Our Purpose
Prevent Opiate Use Disorder
The opiate crisis in America continues to forge a divide in our communities, our mental health, and overall well-being. In fact, over 80,000 drug overdose deaths in the US in 2021 were from synthetic opiates, primarily fentanyl.
The Connection to Mental Health
While many overdose deaths may be accidental, it is estimated that over 30% of overdoses may have resulted from a completed suicide attempt. And it is important to acknowledge that the number could be much higher, because it is difficult to know the intentions of people who have died of an overdose.
Approximately 50% of persons experiencing an Opiate Use Disorder (OUD) suffer from depression that can increase their risk for suicide.
If you care for people experiencing OUDs, or live with family members experiencing OUDs, there is training available to you that can help you SPOT the Signs.
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)
Certification Course
As part of this program, healthcare professionals and other interested community members have the opportunity to complete MHFA Certification. Mental Health First Aid USA's mission is to provide high-quality, evidence-based education so everyone has the first aid skills to support people with mental health challenges.
Suicide Prevention From Opiates Training
SPOT the Signs
SPOT the Signs Training is a community based lecture that introduces the link between opiate use and suicide. It gives the oppurtunity to learn how to spot signs of depression and other mental health disorders in people experiencing OUDs that can place them at risk for suicide – and help provide resources to refer them to treatment.

MHFA Certification

What is SPOT the Signs?

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