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Infectious Disease

Our physicians are your partners and advocates for all of your health needs, especially in the area of infectious disease management. In our role as patient navigators, we guide our patients through diagnosis and management of a variety of diseases, including Crohn’s disease, HIV, bacterial infections, tuberculosis and MRSA. We coordinate your care, such as infusion therapy, with other clinicians in our continued commitment to compassionate, patient-centered treatments.

Disease management is a top priority for your quality of life. Find out how we can help you.

What We Do

Use the directory below to learn more about the conditions we treat and the services we offer. You can search by providers, treatments, or conditions. Call the phone number provided to schedule an appointment today!

  • Acute Condition Management
  • Chronic Condition Management
  • Infusion Therapy
  • Wound Care

Associated With: HIV, Hepatitis, Tuberclosis, MRSA, STD/STI, Bacterial Infections, Endocarditis, Lyme Disease, Immune Difficiency, Crohnes Disease, Immunoglobulin G2 Deficiency, Immunoglobulin G2 Disorder, Cellulitis, Compromised Immune System, Suppressed Immune System, Poor Circulation, Diabetes, Obesity

Our Providers

Dr. Judith A Lightfoot, D.O. Infectious Disease Acute Condition Management HIV, Hepatitis, Tuberclosis, MRSA, STD/STI, Bacterial Infections, Endocarditis, Lyme Disease Infectious Disease Chronic Condition Management HIV, Hepatitis, Tuberclosis, MRSA, STD/STI, Bacterial Infections, Endocarditis, Lyme Disease Infectious Disease Infusion Therapy Immune Difficiency, Crohnes Disease, Immunoglobulin G2 Deficiency, Immunoglobulin G2 Disorder Infectious Disease Wound Care Cellulitis, Compromised Immune System, Suppressed Immune System, Poor Circulation, Diabetes, Obesity